Privacy Policy
This Privacy Policy is intended to describe the management of this site, in relation to the processing of personal data of users / visitors who consult.
This notice is given pursuant to art. 13 of Legislative Decree 196/03 - Code for the protection of personal data - to whoever is connecting to the corporate website of Porta di Mezzo luxury bb and other sites owned, corresponding to the addresses The information applies only to the websites mentioned above and not to other Web sites accessed through links.
The sites mentioned above are owned and operated Porta di Mezzo luxury bb.
Porta di Mezzo luxury bb guarantees the observance of legislation on protection of personal data (Legislative Decree 196/03).
The users / visitors must read carefully this Privacy Policy before sending any personal information and / or filling in any electronic form posted on this website.
Types of personal data and purpose of treatment
1) Navigation data
The computer systems and software procedures used to operate this website acquire, during normal operation, some personal data that are later sent implicitly through the Internet communication protocols. This is information which by its nature could, through processing and association with data held by third parties, to identify users / visitors (eg. IP address, domain names of computers used by users / visitors connecting to the site, etc.). This data is used only for statistical information (anonymous) and to check the proper functioning of the site and are deleted immediately after processing. The data on web contacts are not kept, however, for more than seven days except for any need of checking computer crimes against the site. No data from the web service will be communicated or disseminated.
2) Voluntarily provided by users / visitors
If users / visitors connecting to this website send their personal data to access certain services or to make requests through e-mail, this means the acquisition by the Porta di Mezzo luxury bb of the sender and / or of any other personal data that will be used exclusively to fulfill the demand or to provide the service.
Personal data provided by users / visitors will be communicated to third parties only if the disclosure is necessary to comply with requests from users / visitors themselves.
3) Cookies
We do not use cookies to transmit information of a personal nature, nor are used cd cookies of any kind, or systems for tracking users.
The use of C.D. Session cookies (which are not stored permanently on the user's computer and disappear when the browser is closed) is strictly limited to transmitting session identifiers (consisting of random numbers generated by the server) necessary to enable a safe and efficient site.
The SO-CALLED Session cookies used in this site avoid the use of other technologies that could compromise the privacy of the users and not allow the acquisition of personal identification data.
Google Analytics third-party cookies
In order to analyze the data traffic between all visitors and our site we use third-party cookies: These are cookies managed by a third party other than the owner of the site. For these cookies, the obligation of the information and the indication of the modalities for the possible blocking of the cookie belongs to the third party, while the owner of the site is obliged to insert on the site the link to the site of the third party where such elements are available.
Processing methods
The treatment is done through automated means (eg. using electronic procedures) and / or manually (eg. on paper) for the time necessary to achieve the purposes for which the data were gathered and, anyway, in accordance with current regulations.
Optional supply of data
A respect for navigation data, users / visitors are free to provide their personal data. Their absence can only lead to the inability to fulfill the request.
Owner, Managers and persons in charge
The data controller is Porta di Mezzo luxury bb - headquartered in Via D'Orville No. 1-98039 Taormina - Tax Code FCRGNN47D06F158Z -. Any instances under. 7 of Legislative Decree no. 196/03 will be directed to Porta di Mezzo luxury bb - headquartered in Via D'Orville No. 1-98039 Taormina.
Inside the company, the data will be processed by employees and collaborators. These employees and contractors operate as Trustees under the direct authority of the Data Processor.
Rights of interested parties
The subjects whose personal data have the right at any time to obtain confirmation of the existence of such data and to know the content and origin, to check if their accuracy or request its integration or updating, or correction (art. 7 of Legislative Decree 196/03). According to the same article one has the right to request cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or block of data in violation of the law, and oppose any case, for legitimate reasons, to their treatment.
Customers interested in obtaining a copy of the 'Statement of privacy protection can request it at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.